The tip of the iceberg

The tip of the iceberg

The tip of the iceberg

The hidden value of simplicity

Sustainable innovation making it simple and intuitive is a complex task that Every SWS tackles for its clients

Stop that thumb, breathe, read. In a world where everything flows fast and the succession of content is a flood, stop for a moment and let these lines tell you about something beyond numbers, awards and technology: a journey that turns complexity into simplicity. Because, in the end, that is what we do every day.

This is not a self-celebration, nor is it a list of accomplishments or a time to puff up our chests with pride (although, let's face it, some pride is there). It is a reflection on how each step taken over the years, each project initiated or completed, has been a building block toward a larger goal: to make simple what for many is complicated, almost to the point of seeming impossible.

Says Yuval Noah Harari, "Complexity creates extraordinary opportunities, but the real challenge is to manage it without getting trapped by it."

Behind our application, what customers see as a simple and intuitive solution, lies a world of technologies, processes and strategies that remain invisible to those who use it. And that's okay, because simplicity doesn't need to be noticed; simplicity needs to work, period. As Steve Jobs said, "Simplicity can be harder than complexity-you have to work hard to make your thinking clean and simple."

Over the course of 2024 we have pursued projects that tell just that: relentless and often submerged work, but always geared toward ensuring that our customers have a solution that meets their needs and beyond. We have invested in platform security, adopted advanced monitoring and protection systems, recertified our Information Security Management System to the latest standards, demonstrating our commitment to reliability and transparency.

We have embraced new technologies, such as process automation and artificial intelligence, to further simplify chemical information management, expanding opportunities for our customers. And we have seen our international presence grow, with new partners and customers choosing us not only for product quality, but for the value we bring to their daily operations.

We were also privileged to see our efforts recognized with a major award celebratingsustainable innovation. An achievement that is not just a trophy to show off, but a tangible sign of our concrete contribution toward a more responsible and conscious future. This recognition inspires us to do even better, to show that technology and sustainability must walk together to create solutions that truly make a difference.

Each project is a piece of a larger puzzle: a way to build something that is not limited to today, but looks steadily toward tomorrow. We believe in a simple principle: value lies not only in what we see, but also in everything that makes what is visible possible and functional.

So, too, every solution we offer is never just what you see-it is the result of vision, commitment, and an unwavering belief in technology and the value of simplicity.

And that is exactly what we do every day: we listen carefully to our clients' needs, we immerse ourselves in their needs to offer solutions that not only simplify their work, but make it safer, more efficient, and more sustainable. Every project is a dialogue, every innovation a step forward to help those who rely on us focus on what really matters. In a fast-paced world, true innovation is not just technical-it is the ability to create value without complication. We are committed to being a partner that simplifies without compromise.

Because, in the end, what really matters is helping our clients focus on their success.

Eduardo Affinito

Every Software Solutions

Our team is here to help you manage SDSs and keep track of hazardous substances!

Hazardous chemicals: SDS-FullService helps keep them under control - Sustainability Award at Digital360 Awards 2024

Hazardous chemicals: SDS-FullService helps keep them under control - Sustainability Award at Digital360 Awards 2024

Hazardous chemicals: SDS-FullService helps keep them under control

Every SWS wins "Sustainability" award at Digital360 Awards 2024 with project "Digital Efficiency in Controlling Hazardous Chemicals" reporting on E.Miroglio customer experience

Hazardous chemicals: control improves when automated and digitalized - from the Zerounoweb article

Every Software Solutions innovates the management of "inconvenient" substances, managing to add value through bold innovation that gives traceability and replicability

Managing potentially hazardous chemicals is a priority in all companies that have them in their processes. Sometimes they cannot do without them and must find agile solutions to ensure that this feature does not become a hindrance. Technology can help, and the experience of E.Miroglio proves it. Indeed, this company in the Fashion textile supply chain has chosen to focus on automation and innovation to optimize the performance of supply control and chemical use processes.

It did so by choosing Every Software Solutions srl and its SDS-FullService, an innovative and effective automatic data extraction service from SDS and Substance Lists to be monitored, as a partner. So much so that it was among the projects selected to win the Digital360 Awards 2024 in the B2B and e-Supply Chain Solutions category.

Integrating innovation into innovation

In the broader context of digital transformation, E.Miroglio introduced new and concrete operational and management methodologies, going to work on one of the weak links in its production chain. The manual management of SDSs and banned or restricted substances was in fact extremely costly, both in terms of time and resources, as well as exposing it to errors and potential risks.

By automating the process and digitalizing the necessary information, a solution such as SDS-FullService maximizes operational efficiency and datareliability, allowing E.Miroglio effective and complete control over chemicals, even reducing their use in some cases or replacing them with safer and more compliant alternatives.

A technology solution with high business impact

From a more purely technological point of view. SDS-FullService is based on a SaaS solution delivered in the Public Cloud. It implements application processes by configuring content, actions and permissions, without ever forcing binding customizations.

It is a solution that can be integrated with many other business applications and ensures 24×7 operation, never at the expense of security, constantly updated and integrated by design.

There are two major innovations, concatenated with each other. The first is the tool called ChemParser for the automatic extraction and digitalization of SDS data, which makes it possible to transform static information found in classic PDFs into structured, normalized data. And then there is Watchlist Monitor, a system that compares the client's chemical database with public, private and industry lists of hazardous chemicals.

Scalability and replicability: possible evolutions

Thanks to these two elements, about 300 SDSs have been transformed into a database of more than 1,000 substances and mixtures at E.Miroglio, and compliance with more than 6,000 hazardous substances is now constantly monitored.

The most valuable output is periodic reports, coupled with the ability to have direct access to extensive documentation on more than 30,000 substances. These numbers mean simplification, efficiency, regulatory compliance, and adherence to the high standards required by customers and the Certifications acquired. And also savings in time and human resources, because the management process has visibly improved, becoming an example for the industry.

Its most obvious and "envied" peculiarities are its ability to transform data taken from SDS PDFs into structured and indexed digital datasets suitable for searches, comparisons, reports and integrations with other business applications. This results in more agile traceability and also unprecedented replicability. The structure and design of the solution also make it configurable and integrable with Substance Restriction Lists from other industries, allowing it to span and extend into any industrial context, Italian or foreign, that makes use of chemicals.

Sustainability, Recycling and Reuse

Sustainability, Recycling and Reuse

Sustainability, Recycling and Reuse

Responsible Chemicals Management based on Safety Data Sheets

Sustainability, recycling and reuse with SDS-fullService from Every SWS


At a time when environmental sustainability is a global priority, companies are reinforcing their commitment to responsible management of the chemicals used in their operations. A key aspect of this transition is the link between sustainability, recycling and reuse of chemicals, the critical hazard details of which can be obtained from the Safety Data Sheets (SDS). In this article, we will explore how an informed approach based on SDS can improve the ecological footprint of companies, reducing waste and promoting safety in the use of these substances.

Why Safety Data Sheets?

SDSs are essential information documents provided by chemical manufacturers. These sheets contain detailed information on hazardous components and the potential health and environmental risks associated with these substances. They are a vital tool for ensuring safe and responsible use of chemicals on the farm. Understanding in detail the hazard data that are in the SDSs also helps in establishing the right handling, storage and disposal procedures.

Sustainability and SDS Information.

When it comes to sustainability, access to the correct information on SDSs is critical. These documents provide a comprehensive overview of the potential environmental and safety impacts associated with the use of a specific chemical. Based on this information, companies can make informed decisions regarding the purchase, use, and disposal of chemicals, aiming to reduce the use of hazardous substances or implement more appropriate protective measures.

Recycling and Reuse Informed

To be able to prepare an effective circular economy plan, it is essential to go and analyze the Raw Materials used in your company's production process. If you do not know the hazard levels of the incoming substances, you will not be able to prepare a plan that provides for the proper recycling of the substances used or arrange for their proper reuse. In addition, the responsible and safe management of chemical waste generated by companies is a crucial aspect of environmental sustainability.
By deepening the analysis of the chemicals in use, if the risk levels are not within the sustainability policies, it will be possible to research and possibly identify safer and more suitable alternatives, allowing companies to adopt a preventive perspective and minimize the use of harmful substances.

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Business and Sustainability Benefits

Using SDSs as the information base for chemical management offers undoubted benefits for both the company and the environment. Greater awareness of potential hazards enables companies to implement safer work practices, reducing accidents and the likelihood of exposure to chemical hazards. This can translate into improved corporate reputation and the retention of customers and consumers sensitive to safety and sustainability issues. From an ecological perspective, the use of information from SDSs can help implement policies to reduce the overall environmental impact of company operations, minimizing the generation of hazardous chemical waste and contributing to more sustainable resource management.


The data obtainable from SDSs are an invaluable resource for companies wishing to take a sustainable approach to chemical management. With this information at their disposal, companies can better plan their recycling, reuse and disposal strategies, reducing their environmental impact and protecting the safety of their employees and the surrounding community.


Eduardo Affinito

Every Software Solutions

Our team is here to help you manage SDSs and keep track of hazardous substances!

How to Address the Digital Transformation of the SDS Management Process.

How to Address the Digital Transformation of the SDS Management Process.

How to Address the Digital Transformation of the Safety Data Sheet Management Process

Challenges, Opportunities and Essential Steps

How to deal with digitalization of the SDS management process - SDS-FullService from Every SWS

Digitalization of data and processes has become essential for companies in every industry. When dealing with hazardous chemicals, Safety Data Sheet (SDS) management becomes a crucial element for worker safety, regulatory compliance and environmental protection.

Many companies still operate with cumbersome and disorganized processes for managing SDS, but the digital transformation of this process offers tremendous opportunities to improve operational efficiency and business security.

In this article, we will explore how to approach a project at digitalization of the SDS management process, examining the tangible benefits, common challenges and essential steps to follow. We will discover how digitalization not only simplifies the flow of information, but can also spur innovation and promote business sustainability. It is time to embrace a new perspective on digitalization processes, because what was once difficult to digitalize is now no longer difficult, and the achievable results can make a real difference.

The Benefits

1. Centralized and up-to-date management of SDSs and elimination of dispersion

Having a single repository where to receive, store, and manage the SDSs of the entire company makes it possible to keep track of these documents normally scattered among various company departments and allows them to be updated efficiently on an ongoing basis. It often happens that SDSs are held in various offices that keep copies without sharing them with other business functions. This leads to the generation of unnecessary duplicates, prevents the proper circulation of information and the efficient distribution of updates. Some companies that have undertaken the process of digitalization of SDSs have seen the number of documents decrease by as much as a third after the assessment project and subsequent cleaning.

2. Simple Sharing and Dissemination of SDSs 

Centralizing the SDS repository also facilitates information sharing among different departments and business teams. All authorized users can access the latest versions of SDSs quickly and conveniently, ensuring a consistent and up-to-date flow of information.

3. Resource Optimization

Automation of processes reduces operational costs, enabling better allocation of human resources. This allows them to focus on higher-level activities such as data analysis, preventive measure planning, and staff training.

4. Increased Control of Hazardous Chemicals.

The company can more effectively monitor and assess potential hazards, making informed decisions for the safety of personnel and the environment and implementing appropriate preventive measures.

5. Increased Regulatory Compliance

A digital SDS management system facilitates monitoring and enforcement of current regulations. The ability to maintain traceability and history of actions taken enables companies to demonstrate compliance during inspections and audits. For example, the archive of obsolete SDSs or discontinued products to be maintained for at least 10 years can validate the presence of certain information in the company during a particular period, demonstrating actions taken over time.

6. Improvement of Commercial Compliance 

Efficient control of hazardous chemicals in the company enables it to respond adequately to stakeholder requests regarding risk management and compliance with industry and/or private protocols.

7. Quick and Easy Search for Information in Case of Emergency

All operational personnel can immediately search for and retrieve the information needed to address a hazardous situation, enabling a timely and effective response. SDSs contain safety information and instructions for hazardous chemicals that should be consulted immediately in the event of an accident.

8. Stimulation of Innovation and Opportunities Related to Sustainability

More efficient management of hazardous chemicals makes it easier to adopt safer and sustainable alternatives, contributing to overall corporate responsibility. It also enables verifiability and measurability of progress.

Implementation strategies

The many benefits of digitalization of the SDS management process can be achieved by addressing and overcoming certain challenges that bring with them fruitful opportunities for growth and improvement.

Here are some tips on how to approach the project effectively.

The digitalization of the SDS management process: challenges and opportunities - SDS-FullService from Every SWS

1. Resource Management


Select a scalable and modular technical solution that fits the company's needs and resources


Break down the process of digitalization into steps: focusing on one step at a time helps avoid overload and better manage available resources

2. Technical Skills


Collaborate with vendors who offer technical support, training and consulting


To facilitate the overall success of the project, the solution provider must be able to work closely with the relevant IT staff

3. Budget Management


Demonstrating the value of digitalization to decision makers, clearly highlighting risks and benefits, can help obtain the necessary financial support

4. Inter-Departmental Accountability.


because the information contained in SDSs is useful to many business functions, it is critical to identify the department responsible for the project


in some contexts it is preferable for top management to sponsor the project

Essential steps

Let us now take a look at the key steps to address a path to digitalization of the SDS management process.

The essential steps for digitalize the SDS- SDS- FullService management process of Every SWS.

Organizing the Input of SDSs.

Establish a structured system to receive and record SDSs in an organized manner.

The process of receiving SDSs is crucial to the whole project at digitalization and is unfortunately often ungoverned and unstructured.

It is very important not to underestimate this first step that initiates the entire SDS journey in the company.

Indexing SDSs

Develop an extraction and indexing process to homogenize the data contained in SDSs and make them easily accessible and searchable, ensuring the correct classification of chemicals and associated hazards.

The extraction and digitalization of the data contained in SDSs should be approached with specialized automated tools as, if done manually, it has many disadvantages such as:


relevant work time


resources devoted to repetitive and unskilled work


difficulty in reading the contents of SDSs, which have different formats depending on the manufacturer


Lack of uniformity in data compilation by different operators


possibility of transcription errors


difficulty in continuously updating data

Archiving SDSs.

Collect SDSs in a single, up-to-date and controlled system to ensure that SDSs can be accessed and consulted by all relevant personnel.

Searching for documents and information contained in the centralized repository should be simple and clear for each figure involved, without over-information, but always in compliance with regulations. For example, for some business figures, the distribution of a simplified SDS can be considered.

Automating Specific Processes

Once the main processes are organized, one can move on to implement a workflow for the processes of validation, approval, and distribution of SDSs, with steps that can involve both internal and external roles within the company.

It is essential that theSDS repository be accessible according to an efficient and structured authorization system that allows for the necessary security of information, but at the same time is able to make SDS available to all workers, as mandated by the regulations.

Monitoring of MRSLs

The digitalization of data contained in SDSs can make it possible to automate a system of continuous comparison of hazardous chemicals in the company with reference MRSL (Manufacturing Restricted Substances List) lists.

To be able to do this, it is essential that the chosen solution includes management of public, private and/or industry MRSLs of interest to the company, cross-referencing them with data in the SDS archive.


The management of Safety Data Sheets For companies that deal with hazardous chemicals, it is a crucial element for safety, compliance, and business efficiency. The digital transformation of this process offers tangible benefits, including increased regulatory and commercial compliance, faster response to emergencies, and optimized use of resources.

However, this transformation is not without its challenges, including resource and budget management, technical expertise, and interdepartmental accountability. It is critical to demonstrate the value of digitalization to decision makers, highlighting the economic, environmental and social benefits, as well as the risks associated with poor SDS management.

What makes this transformation even more exciting is the potential offered by the new technologies available today, such as the spread of Internet connections and mobile devices, Cloud solutions and, more recently, Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools. These technologies generate a significant competitive advantage for those who adopt them. Indeed, they allow for simplification and significant savings in time and resources, as well as unprecedented access to vast amounts of information.

It is crucial to grasp a new perspective on digitalization processes such as SDS management. What seemed difficult to digitalizable and structure a few years ago can now become a driver of excellence. With the right approach and the right technologies, it is possible to transform SDS management and unlock its full potential.


Stefania Agiato

Every Software Solutions

digitalize SDS management process can be a driver of business excellence with SDS-FullService from Every SWS

Our team is here to help you manage SDSs and keep track of hazardous substances!

Digital transformation and green processes

Digital transformation and green processes

Digital transformation and green processes: staples of growth

Every Software Solutions' digital innovation is focused on health, safety and the environment with sustainability in mind

28/10/2022 – Il Sole 24 Ore

Today there is a lot of talk about Digital transformation of business processes to achieve productivity, competitiveness and growth goals, and there is a realization that the only possible growth can take place in compliance with sustainability principles. Compliance with environmental, social and governance criteria, the so-called ESG factors, direct the capital of investment communities, European funding and consumer choices more than ever before. Planning for sustainable business development has never been more important for a company's reputation, development and profits.

In terms of environmental sustainability, one of the most urgent goals defined by the UN 2030 Agenda is Goal 12, which aims for the environmentally sound management of chemicals and wastes in order to significantly reduce their release into the air, water and soil and minimize their negative impact on human health and the environment. Same goal is at the heart of the European Green Deal, which adopted the EU Strategy on Chemicals for Sustainability to reduce and phase out hazardous substances for a toxic-free environment.

Digital transformation and green processes - SDS-FullService from Every SWS

Every SWS

Sustainable development is important for the company's reputation and profits

Primary objective and, in fact, in line with European chemical regulations and health, safety and environmental regulations, with which all companies involved in the chain of purchasing, production and use of chemicals already have to comply.

Those responsible for these areas (HSE), R&D departments and those involved in Sustainability reporting well know how complex it is to manage the enormous amount of chemical data and ever-changing regulations that must be taken into account to ensure compliance with standards, industry constraints and customer specifications. It is clear that implementing a corporate policy of compliance and environmental sustainability means being able to take advantage of effective management tools and, above all, being able to rely on digitalized and structured data to make correct and informed decisions and to obtain indices and measurements (KPIs) necessary for the reporting process.

Every Software Solutions takes care of the digitalization of the Safety Data Sheets and the countless chemical information that must circulate efficiently in the company and along the Supply Chain. Every Software Solutions addresses these issues with a completely innovative digital methodology to support companies in every step of the compliance and chemical sustainability process. SDSFullService is the suite of solutions and services dedicated to these issues and can be viewed at the website

Our team is here to help you manage SDSs and keep track of hazardous substances!

digitalization and Sustainability

digitalization and Sustainability

digitalization and Sustainability

12/05/2021 – Il Sole 24 Ore

Imagine having to search for important information - vital to the security, for the sustainability and for business-detecting names and codes among thousands and thousands of pages, opening one by one hundreds of PDFs stored in network folders.

Imagine that you have to jot down this information manually, transcribing it or doing thousands, tens of thousands, of "copy/paste" between PDFs and a spreadsheet.

Imagine that as you do this work, some of the documents you are working on are replaced because you receive updated versions.

Imagine having to cross-check the data in those documents against some lists, regulations and specifications. Imagine that this process never ends--because in the meantime some of the documents have been replaced and some of the regulations have changed.

It sounds impossible... but such a process exists, is present in virtually every company, of every industry and size, and is concerned with managing information about the hazardous chemicals the company uses.

This information comes with specific documents, the SDS (Safety Data Sheets), which suppliers usually send to their customers as PDF documents. Each document consists of many pages, at least a dozen, but sometimes many more, and each company has to manage hundreds and sometimes thousands (depending on the type and size of the company).

digitalization and sustainability with SDS-FullService from Every SWS

Digital Transformation: a bridge to the future

SDSs are used both to assess Chemical Risk, to determine Sustainability Indices, to check compliance with current Health, Safety and Environmental regulations , and to confirm to customers compliance with their Specifications regarding proscribed chemicals.

For Every Software Solutions, digitalization data is the lever to meet the challenges of Sustainability, Health, Safety and Environment

Every Software Solutions, which specializes in Cloud services concerning the management of processes based on digitalization business documents, to create efficiency in this context proposes Share-SDS Drive, a Solution that starts from a premise: transforming the information contained in SDSs into DIGITAL DATA, which can be processed using IT tools. Thus making them archivable, searchable and comparable with otherwise impossible automatisms.

To make this Solution efficient, Every Software Solutions has solved one of the main barriers that anyone who has approached this process manually has faced: the time it takes to digitalize this information.

The timeliness of the process is achieved through a service assisted by technology-unique data extraction from SDSs. These activities are handled by ChemParser, a company of which Every Software Solutions is a co-founder. This service makes it possible to drastically reduce the time of digitalization of the information, as well as the costs and inevitable errors that are made when this activity is done manually, thus making it possible to obtain a wealth of information and data analysis that would otherwise be impossible.

Share-SDS Drive is used by companies in every industry (e.g., Industrial, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Fashion) and of all sizes. 

Our team is here to help you manage SDSs and keep track of hazardous substances!