Controls hazardous substances on the farm

For REACH & Regulatory Manager

The Cloud Solution that synchronizes your Chemical Inventory with ECHA public lists, California Prop. 65 and other industry lists or lists of your interest

WatchList Monitor

Continuous monitoring of MRSLs and alerting of changes

Managing chemicals in the enterprise and along the supply chain is becoming increasingly important and involves being able to analyze large amounts of data and keep track of continuous updates.

Watchlist Monitor synchronizes your digitalized Chemical Inventory with ECHA lists, ZDHC's MRSL, California Proposition 65, and other industry lists, either your own or those of Clients.

Watchlist Monitor automatically detects the substances and components of your mixtures included in the various lists, greatly simplifying the identification of hazardous substances.

Watchlist Monitor is the tool that allows Regulatory and Sustainability Managers to:


Preventing the use of undesirable substances on watchlists or own lists


Consult the detail of each identified substance (Attachments, Dossiers, etc.).


Maintain compliance with REACH regulations


Exporting information for sustainability reporting and environmental management purposes


WatchList Monitor

Integrates chemical inventory with public and sectoral lists

How to operate in accordance with ECHA regulations, comply with industry regulations, and control the use of banned or restricted substances found in Client specifications?

Watchlist monitor allows you to cross-reference substances or components of mixtures in your chemical inventory with any public or private list to detect substances to watch for.

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Detects hazardous substances in mixtures

WatchList Monitor can highlight and report the current status of a substance (present in your products either at the substance level or at the component level of a mixture) by cross-referencing it with lists of your specific interest.

Thanks to the integration of the Chemical Inventory of SDS-FullService with the lists, Health, Safety, Environment and Sustainability Managers have a very efficient tool that saves considerable time on the continuous monitoring of their chemicals.

Example of a mixture of several substances (section 3 of the Safety Data Sheet).

In this example, you can view the membership of substances on the MRSL lists integrated into SDS-FullService next to the most relevant chemical information (e.g., name, CAS number, CLP classification, hazard statements (H phrases), precautionary statements (P), and concentration ranges).

Receive notifications about the hazardous status of a substance

Watchlist Monitor identifies the presence of substances and changes over time, both in the lists you manage and in your portfolio of Safety Data Sheets.

Following the changes, a notification report is automatically sent to the various designated managers highlighting:

  • New substances included in the lists managed and present in the corporate Chemical Inventory
  • New SDSs and/or new revisions that contain substances included in the integrated lists

With this feature, HSE, Regulatory and Sustainability managers are automatically informed and can assess the impact of the update, take appropriate measures to reduce risks, evaluate alternative substances and improve safety within the organization.

Main Databases Integrated in SDS-FullService

  • Candidate List (SVHC): list of candidate substances for inclusion in authorization.
  • Restriction List: list of restricted substances (Annex XVII of REACH).
  • Authorization List: list of authorized substances (Annex XIV of the REACH regulation).
  • Registered Substances: list of registered substances as per REACH regulation.
  • Harmonized List: list of harmonized substances (Annex VI of the CLP Regulation).
  • POPs List: list of persistent organic pollutants (Stockholm Convention).

California Proposition 65

OEHHA (Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment) CA-65: list of natural or synthetic chemicals that are carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic


Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals

ZDHC MRSL: list of restricted substances in the textile, tanning and footwear industry

  • Drug precursor: list of drug precursors (European Commission Regulation No. 2023/196).
  • Chemical Weapons Precursors: list of chemical weapons precursors as per EU Regulation 218/1544

Monitoring of CMR Substances

SDS-FullService offers advanced functionality to automate the monitoring of CMR (Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, and Reprotoxic) substances in chemicals used on the farm.

Following the entry into force of Directive (EU) 2022/431 , with the substantial equalization of the monitoring obligation of reprotoxic substances with that of carcinogens and mutagens, the timely verification and continuous monitoring of the hazardousness of substances has reached a new level of attention.

The CMR Substance Monitoring feature is designed to support you with:

  • Immediate identification: automatic recognition of CMR Substances present in received SDSs
  • Timely notifications: receiving alerts in real time
  • reports: receipt of detailed reports highlighting the presence of CMR Substances in the products used

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Benefits of SDS-FullService Cloud Solutions.

Available 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week - SDS-FullService Solutions

24/7 Availability

Available 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. Access information when you need it, wherever you are.

Scalable and Flexible System - SDS-FullService Solutions

A scalable and rapidly deployable solution

Available in different configurations suitable for all companies, including with SSO to automatically provide and revoke access to employees.

Ease of Use- SDS-FullService Solutions

Ease of use

Use the service immediately, without training activities.

Rapid ROI - SDS FullService Solutions

Rapid return on investment

Reduce time-consuming manual tasks and automate SDS management.

Multilingual Interface- SDS-FullService Solutions

Tutorial & Interface

Multilingual interface, Tutorial with movies illustrating the operation of the service.

Cloud solution with no software to install or maintain - SDS-FullService Solutions

Low cost of ownership

With no software to install or maintain, with immediate access to new implementations and features.

SDS-FullService for the management of Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

With SDS-FullService you automatically extract data from SDSs - SDS-FullService

Indexing of SDSs

Automatic extraction and digitalization of information from Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

The Cloud Software to Manage Safety Data Sheets (SDS): SDS-FullService from Every SWS

Centralized SDS collector and manager

Centralized and up-to-date binder of your Safety Data Sheets (SDS): the whole company can access and manage chemical data

MRSL Watchlist monitor by SDS-FullService integrate ECHA lists to keep tabs on hazardous substances

Ongoing monitoring of MRSLs

Continuous monitoring of your hazardous substances with cross-checking against MRSLs of interest to you and automatic notifications of changes that have occurred

The Safety Data Sheets viewer of SDS-FullService Every SWS

Access to SDSs for all users

Access to SDSs for all workers and authorized users

Manage Delivery to your SDS customers with Every SWS's SDS-Delivery suite SDS-FullService Software

Automatic delivery of SDSs

Automatic and secure delivery of SDSs to customers and all product recipients, complies with REACH reg. and CEFIC, FECC and DUCC recommendations

Search and upload Safety Data Sheets (SDS) offered by SDS FullService of Every SWS

Searching for and uploading SDSs

We retrieve missing SDSs or necessary updates by contacting the supplier

SDS Cataloging, Assessment and Cleaning offered Every Software Solutions -Software and Services for SDS Management.

Start up services

we digitalize, we survey and catalog the SDSs present in the company, eliminating duplicates, unnecessary and obsolete ones, as well as searching for missing SDSs and new versions

Professional services for SDS offered by SDS FullService of Every SWS

Professional Services

The services of our Chemical Regulatory Partners: a team of REACH, CLP, environmental regulations, health and safety experts

Our team is here to help you manage SDSs and keep track of hazardous substances!