Searching & Loading SDSs

For H&S and HSE Manager

The service that provides you with the Safety Data Sheets and the new SDS versions to operate safely and sustainably

Never again without the Safety Data Sheets that you need!

Get the most up-to-date versions of SDSs for chemicals used in your business

Our SDS Search & Loading service relies on technological solutions and a working method established through years of experience to independently source the Safety Data Sheets you need by contacting the supplier/manufacturer directly.

There are numerous and frequent situations that can lead the manufacturer/supplier to draw up a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and the processes for delivering and receiving SDS are not always rigorous. Manufacturers/suppliers may not be accurate or proactive in their submission. This means that you often don't have all the SDS you need. And not having them, or having them not updated, can lead to errors in the Chemical Risk assessment.

Review of an SDS may be necessary for several reasons:

  • REACH and CLP regulatory changes
  • national health & safety regulations 
  • a change in the hazardousness of a substance
  • when a substance is Harmonized, Registered or included in the lists of SVHC, Restricted or Authorized substances by ECHA
  • When the manufacturer/supplier updates the information contained in SDSs or Exposure Scenarios.
  • needs of commodity sectors and/or import/export countries

The results of the Search & Loading of Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

With our service you will get:


An archive with all the SDSs you need, in the most up-to-date version


A complete file with SDSs written in the intended language and according to the country's regulations if you have production sites abroad


up-to-date information available to your workers


Updated data to adjust prevention and protection measures in time

Learn how to update and keep your archive up to date Safety Data Sheets (SDS)!

A path to learning through concrete examples and cases

Download the White Paper of the SDS Search & Upload Service for more information, insights, and practical examples!

SDS-FullService for the management of Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

With SDS-FullService you automatically extract data from SDSs - SDS-FullService

Indexing of SDSs

Automatic extraction and digitalization of information from Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

The Cloud Software to Manage Safety Data Sheets (SDS): SDS-FullService from Every SWS

Centralized SDS collector and manager

Centralized and up-to-date binder of your Safety Data Sheets (SDS): the whole company can access and manage chemical data

MRSL Watchlist monitor by SDS-FullService integrate ECHA lists to keep tabs on hazardous substances

Ongoing monitoring of MRSLs

Continuous monitoring of your hazardous substances with cross-checking against MRSLs of interest to you and automatic notifications of changes that have occurred

The Safety Data Sheets viewer of SDS-FullService Every SWS

Access to SDSs for all users

Access to SDSs for all workers and authorized users

Manage Delivery to your SDS customers with Every SWS's SDS-Delivery suite SDS-FullService Software

Automatic delivery of SDSs

Automatic and secure delivery of SDSs to customers and all product recipients, complies with REACH reg. and CEFIC, FECC and DUCC recommendations

Search and upload Safety Data Sheets (SDS) offered by SDS FullService of Every SWS

Searching for and uploading SDSs

We retrieve missing SDSs or necessary updates by contacting the supplier

SDS Cataloging, Assessment and Cleaning offered Every Software Solutions -Software and Services for SDS Management.

Start up services

we digitalize, we survey and catalog the SDSs present in the company, eliminating duplicates, unnecessary and obsolete ones, as well as searching for missing SDSs and new versions

Professional services for SDS offered by SDS FullService of Every SWS

Professional Services

The services of our Chemical Regulatory Partners: a team of REACH, CLP, environmental regulations, health and safety experts

Our team is here to help you manage SDSs and keep track of hazardous substances!

Benefits of SDS-FullService Cloud Solutions.

Available 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week - SDS-FullService Solutions

24/7 Availability

Available 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. Access information when you need it, wherever you are.

Scalable and Flexible System - SDS-FullService Solutions

A scalable and rapidly deployable solution

Available in different configurations suitable for all companies, including with SSO to automatically provide and revoke access to employees.

Ease of Use- SDS-FullService Solutions

Ease of use

Use the service immediately, without training activities.

Rapid ROI - SDS FullService Solutions

Rapid return on investment

Reduce time-consuming manual tasks and automate SDS management.

Multilingual Interface- SDS-FullService Solutions

Tutorial & Interface

Multilingual interface, Tutorial with movies illustrating the operation of the service.

Cloud solution with no software to install or maintain - SDS-FullService Solutions

Low cost of ownership

With no software to install or maintain, with immediate access to new implementations and features.